You'll never manifest Union so long as your scared...

This is a general rule of manifesting anything.

Though especially when it comes to Twin Flame, Shadow Walker, and Soulmate journeys.
They aren't meant to be "easy" (at first).
They're meant to be freeing.
They're meant to be super deep.
They are the kind of relationships many people think only exist in movies and books.
Which often is true, cuz so many people give up before they even really begin.
Largely because they spend so much time focusing on how much they lack..
With such simple things...
Like obsessing over how much you're missing your Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine.
Or snooping into what they are doing - including through tarot and divination (no judgement, we all do it. Me included).

Regardless, the more time we spend worrying about the outcome of us and our counterparts, the more we keep away union. We hold it out of place, cuz as long as we are feeling like we are "missing" our partner, the more the universe thinks we want to keep feeling that way. Cuz this is a universe where what we put out is what we get back.

So if you really want your divine partner back, or if you've not met them yet and want them to manifest in your 3d world, then you've got to find a way to work on not worrying about what's going on with them at all; instead spending your time working on yourself, and doing things that you love to do. Especially anything that will set you up financially, get you right spiritually, and get you into optimal health. Now is the time to work on yourself, and get out of your own way in terms of allowing union to happen.

Then just keep your faith in the back of your mind.
Your union is coming.
It's a "when" not an if, and the when really doesn't matter does it?
If it's another day, another month, or even another year - once you have it, assuming you've both actually learned the karmic lessons you needed to along the way, then there won't ever be anything to tear you two apart again after that.

Be comfortable with that.
Derive gratitude from that.
Then go forth and work on YOU.

The rest will start manifesting sooner than you think, once you start to do that.
Something I can't ask you to just "trust me" about.
You have to get there in your own way, and find out for yourself.
