Divine Tea - Energy Update on Divine Masculine Karmic Journey 7/30-8/8/2020 - Lionsgate Portal

There are so many energies at play right now..

For those of you Divine Feminine's paying attention and being receptive to messages like this one, you're likely also already noticing some subtle and some large changes in your Twin Flame, as they re-awaken and begin to stretch their legs and realize they are Lion's - and that lions don't have to threaten anyone. Everything around the savanah knows they can rip them apart.

Energy, which is in alignment w/the Lionsgate Portal approaching on 8/8/2020.

A date that holds the energy of the Strength, Tower, Chariot, Judgement, Wheel of Fortune, Hanged Man, and Justice tarot cards - that's a lot of Leo and Masculine energy.

This kind of energy reveals many DM's who previously thought they were Emperor's who thought their Divine Feminine's were naive and silly in believing in the brightness and magick of the world, who are now finding out they've actually been the naive ones - as Spirit steps in w/Divine Interventions to shake up the karmic situationships they are in, revealing to them the true colors of the people they've been entangled with.

Part of how Spirit has been doing this, is by making karmic cycles more and more obvious, w/transits Pluto and Neptune have been making; allowing karmic cycles meant to end as many as 25 years ago, to become more and more obvious, toxic, and distressing; which is spirit's way of answer DM's own prayers for clarity, comfort, courage, freedom from chaos, and genuine healing.

Which is a situation for emphasis w/masculines who have been people pleasers, codependents, doormats, cowards, andor who have had serious attachment traumas that have kept them too locked in anxiety to speak up for themselves, set/hold healthy boundaries, release toxic situationships, and to dissolve any legal, financial, romantic, platonic, andor social contracts w/karmic energies.

It feels most, like these energies are coming in now - to match up w/the lionsgate energy, and helping to build up several stages of big masculine energy - Action, Fire, Passion, Solar Plexus, Personal Power, Breaking free from the group, and a strong yearning for freedom and standing in truth.

Today - 7/30/2020, is a Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, Empress, and Emperor day.

Spirit has already been hard at work since last night, to turn the wheel and shine it's bright revealing light on everyone around DM's, and everything w/in them.

Which is showing them who around them has just been using them, as well as who around them has remained in their life w/no agenda other than wanting to be a part of his life and love him to whatever degree he is wanting and able to receive.

Obviously, w/truth being outed - most DM's are recognizing DF's and really seeing them as the love and light beings, whom they've been told to see as karmics since they separated, and seeing that those who have been playing on his insecurities to keep him and his DF apart, are the ones who've been physically closest to him since at least 7 months ago.

This energy is also revealing there have been more than 1 or 2 karmics in DM's world. Many of them thought it was only the one they were dating andor roommating with. Though the energy of the past 7 months has been dubbed "Return of the Ex's" by many, and has brought back into our lives anyone from the past that we've still been entangled with, even if only somewhere in our hearts because we never got full closure from them - and often times, not even the tiniest show of remorse for how they did us wrong. Those people have been resurfacing double time for everyone - a blessing if you've not had very many ex's, and what feels like total torture for anyone who has 3 or more ex's; esp one's they've not allowed themselves to heal from.

It feels like entering Leo energy on the 21st-22nd, when Leo was in it's first degree and strongest energy, kicked off much of this personal power solar plexus energy during the Cancer New Moon - energy that is metaphorically like the teen leaving home to be on his own.

We are just leaving the post-shadow of the Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, and just in time to find ourselves in an Aquarius Full Moon under the Leo Sun on 8/3/2020 - Cards: Strength, Empress, Justice, High Priestess, Emperor, Devil, and the Lovers.

We're also still feeling the recent change over of Mars into the boosted sign of Aries; where it loves to sit, and drives lots of Emperor energy into everyone's reality, while Saturn recently retrograded back into Capricorn - bringing us back into "you reap what you sow" energy and expanding on karmic cycles, good and bad commitments, addictions, transformations, repaying debts owed, government restrictions, financial restrictions, career restrictions, and the urge to break free from limitations - all being energized and expanded by a hot aspect to Jupiter.

All this tells me that August 3rd is going to be an important day.
It's the day when Lion's break free from their circus cages and scare away all the clowns, abusive zoo keepers, and guests who delight in seeing the animals trapped and made to do tricks...

Because there is so much Ego, Emperor, Father, Masculine, and Solar Plexus Energy on this day, full up w/the spiritual energy of Aquarius - ruled by Uranus; Change, Upheaval, Spiritual Guidance & Lessons, Limitations from Groups, Rebellion, and Baring Naked Emotions. Suggesting to me, that anyone caught up in karmic cycles that really should've been ended sooner; especially Divine Masculines - are going to fiercely release themselves anytime between now and August 3rd; and then energy doubles and is complimented by the Tower and Death card energies leading up to Lionsgate on the 8th.

The sense I get, is that most DM's already began to free themselves when we had the king of wands energy during the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse in June, followed by the New Moon in Cancer that came w/Mercury going Direct in Cancer - allowing for communication and clarity to come in w/a ton of passionate energy. Anyone distressed or dissatisfied from the beginning of the year up to them, who've not been able to spend away, sleep away, work away, drink away, ignore, andor deny their misery in being in karmic situationships and entanglements, to start taking their first steps into Leo's courage sunlight and free themselves.

For those who were only taking small steps or who were still trying to avoid the conflict that will come as a consequence of allowing low vibe karmics into their intimate lives, are having their lives shaken up by those same karmics to such a degree that it's effecting their physical health, their jobs, their resources, their bills, and a lot more. I can sense that some DM's might find themselves out of a job, a place to live, andor entangled in public drama w/these karmics.

I've been getting many visions and confirmations of karmics using social media, social apps, and the gossip mill to do what they can to try to hold onto, upset, frustrate, hurt, control, intimidate, incite, guilt/shame, degrade, and anger DM's who have been listening to Spirit and w/drawing their energy.

Those DM's that don't take that as a sign they need to end things now, are really going to feel the gut hit between 8/3 and 8/8, and even worse after that if they make it to 8/16. Those that have been hoping their karmics would just give up on them and find a new target, are going to find themselves faced w/Saturn's parental energies, showing them they must be honorable, direct, and final in ending the karmic entanglements. Which means, the longer they avoid learning these lessons, the worse and worse things are going to get - many of which are fears and anxieties they've manifested from giving those thoughts more weight and time in their mind, then the goodness, freedom, fun, love, and success waiting right around the corner for them once they learn and release karmic lessons and third parties.

Thankfully, whether these DM's release themselves and avoid the unnecessary extra trouble, or they wait it out and let spirit do - taking w/that choice, the social consequences and social strife, those that use this energy to stand in their truth and roar light the royal kings they are, are going to find themselves bathed in divine healing light and love right after.

Many of them will immediately reach out to reconnect w/their divine feminines.
Others will be more cautious.
A lot of that depends on how disconnected you've both been and for how long, and how bad things got between them karmics before they finally broke free.

And, even the masculine's that don't break free now, or aren't able to get fully free b/c of legal or financial entanglements, are likely to see themselves fully free between September and December during the upcoming portals on those months.

Regardless of when they do it, this is the year of the High Priestess and the Emperor - and Spirit intends to level up all DM's, and show them how to set themselves free for good. Which means no more immaturity, stiff upper lip crap, ex's interfering in everything, or karmic 3rd party cycles getting in between your union.

That doesn't mean all the healing is done or that there won't be any more trouble.
There are plenty of karmic cycles needing to be healed that don't have anything to do w/3rd parties.
Though it looks like there are going to be a ton of unions coming together or back together, where the healing will be easy, pleasant, fun, mutually pursued, and further awakening - so that more and more can take part in missions that will help other divine unions come together en mass in 2021.
