What to do when Negative Thought Momentum creeps in...

There are going to be moments, when despite your best efforts, you're going to hit moments when negative thoughts get the better of you - and build enough momentum to drag you into what's often called "Dark Night of the Soul" (DNOTS) moments. When you feel miserable, you're doubting everything - yourself, your divine partner, your life choices, allthethings.

These moments can be incredibly frustrating, especially after you've spent so much time getting yourself out of any initial DNOTS moments from the initial separation; however that happened for you. I know for me, it was a really big tower moment for me and my DM.

So when I finally came out of the darkest moments, and then sensed a little down the road, that another one was coming on. I struggled very hard to avoid it. It felt like I might be stuck in it for a very long time, and like I might manifest a whole lot of hot mess in the process of coming out of it.

And I wasn't entirely wrong.
There were definitely some messy moments that cropped up from my second big DNOTS moment after the big one. The third one as well. Though the nice thing about that third one, was that by then, I recognized that it wouldn't do me much good to try and struggle against it. Instead choosing to just go with it, and do my best not to act on anything that didn't feel pertinent - even if it felt "urgent".

Which is the same advice I have to offer to you now - whether you're a Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine, or just someone trying to figure out how to cope with serious bouts of anxiety, depression, and other distressing moments of the human experience - just go with it.

Don't try to fight it.
Don't beat yourself up about getting negative.
Being human means having a whole spectrum of emotional experiences.
That means the good and the bad.
Which also means learning to love your WHOLE self; including the uglier sides that aren't as pretty to look at and certainly no fun to feel.

Once you're able to even just let yourself feel these deeper, darker, more dank feelings, then just do your best to learn the difference between ego-driven-instincts and inner-being-inspired intuition, so you can be sure you're not making to many life altering decisions while you're so deeply in your shadow work.

There will definitely be some things that happen, and there will be some things you'll do that you'll regret until you realize it was part of helping you heal and shed old trauma cycles, that actually become cooperative components towards the outcomes you desire.

Though it's easy to let that get out of hand if you let it. Which is why it's always a fantastic idea to focus on mindfulness and meditation whenever you're sensing yourself going into deeper emotional waters. That way you can keep any life altering moments, only to those that are definitely called for by Spirit.

Going with such a simple plan - just let it flow, will help you make it through DNOTS moments much more smoothly and quickly then you've ever done so before.

And don't forget to reach out when you need a friend - which can be your actual friends or family, or your spirit guides and allies. It can even be me if you'd like it to be. Just comment here or send an email.
